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ct university ph.d. in Agronomy in Agronomy admission

Eternal University ph.d. in Agronomy admisstion Eternal University ph.d. in Agronomy review ph.d. in Agronomy from Eternal University Eternal University ph.d. in Agronomy admission 2024-25 direct ph.d. in Agronomy admission 2024-25 ph.d. in Agronomy admission 2024-25 in govt universities private university ph.d. in Agronomy admission 2024-25 ph.d. in Agronomy in research institute ph.d. in Agronomy from state university ph.d. in Agronomy admission in Eternal University 2024-25 ph.d. in Agronomy admission 2024-25 open university ct university ph.d. in Agronomy in Agronomy admission ph.d. in Agronomy admission Eternal University admission in ph.d. in Agronomy 2024-25 ph.d. in Agronomy in open university ph.d. in Agronomy in Eternal University ph.d. in Agronomy in govt university state university ph.d. in Agronomy admission 2024-25 ph.d. in Agronomy how to do ph.d. in Agronomy ph.d. in Agronomy entrance exam ph.d. in Agronomy subjects Ph.d. in Agronomy admission 2024-25 best university for ph.d. in Agronomy how to take admission in ph.d. in Agronomy ph.d. in Agronomy admission 2024-25 in rajasthan questions asked in ph.d. in Agronomy admission interview ph.d. in Agronomy admission eligibility ph.d. in Agronomy admission eligibility in Agronomy admission in ph.d. in Agronomy without entrance exam how to write research proposal for ph.d. in Agronomy admission self introduction in Agronomy for ph.d. in Agronomy admission ph.d. in Agronomy admission form 2024-25 interview for ph.d. in Agronomy admission how to get admission in ph.d. in Agronomy in Eternal University

Eternal university is NAAC Authorize and ISO 9001: 2015 Affirmed College laid out under the Himachal Pradesh Private College (Foundation and Guideline) Act 2006 and Himachal Pradesh Government 3 of 2009, with the option to present degree according to the UGC public notification on confidential Colleges dated April 18, 2011.

The extraordinary visionary of twentieth 100 years (Sant Attar Singh Ji) had a dream that cutting edge logical training alone won't work well for the humankind, until and except if it is amalgamated with Braham Vidya (Profound Instruction). The alumni of this special school system won't just be remarkable in scholastics, yet in addition will have high virtues (for example they will have love for humankind, empathy for the powerless and the dark horse, and feeling of sacrificial assistance for the local area). These alumni will pursue laying out long-lasting harmony on the planet. They will go about as Envoys of Harmony any place they live, work and raise their families.

Eternal University, Baru Sahib was laid out under the Himachal Pradesh Private Universities Act with impact from April 29, 2008. It is a Self-Supported Private College perceived by the UGC under the UGC demonstration of 1956.

Eternal university Research

The research philosophy at Eternal University, Baru Sahib rests on following key verticals

  • Research on Himalayan biodiversity and its applications in various aspects for agricultural, health and environmental sustainability
  • To enhance the Agronomy facilities in classical, instrumental and spiritual
  • Excellent analytical and quality control laboratory for emerging food industry entrepreneurs in Himachal Pradesh and other northern Indian states
  • High Altitude Microbial Cultural Collection Centre for gene pool availability for number of applications.
  • Interaction with farmers of Sirmour for their agricultural problems and solutions with relevant training programs
  • Monitoring and awareness among the rural women of the area for hygiene and other clinical problems
Eternal University Doctor of Philosophy in Agronomy (Ph.D in Agronomy) Admission Highlights

At the research level, the university offers the Ph.D. degree in 21 specializations and has restricted consumption capacity. The qualification for the Ph.D. in Agronomy is Master degree in the concerned or related subject with least 55% imprints.

University name

Eternal University



University type

Private University

Course Level     


Course Name   

PhD in Agronomy

.Full Form

Doctor of Philosophy in Agronomy


3 Years to 6 years





Course Mode   

Full Time/Part Time

Course Fee

INR  220000/approx.

Average Salary 

INR  4 to 8 lakhs


Sirmaur, Himachal Pradesh 173101


Get Admission 



Eternal University Ph.D. in Agronomy Admission Eligibility Criteria

To getting admission in Ph.D. in Agronomy candidates must have a Master degree in the concerned or related subject with least 55% imprints. Additionally, up-and-comers who have acquired M.Phil. degree in the concerned subject is qualified to apply for Ph.D. in Agronomy.

Eternal University Ph.D. in Agronomy Admission Process

Admission to the Ph.D. in Agronomy program will be based on the understudies marks acquired in the entry test led by the separate division or school of the specific college or establishment. Those applicants who have total GATE/NET/SET/M.Phil/JRF Assessment in the appropriate subject of the summit bodies as CSIR/UGC/ICAR/ICMR/DBT will be excluded from the Entry Test. While giving the exception, the Departmental Advisory group of the foundation might consider research work/prior Ph.D./experience done by the understudy.

Eternal University Ph.D. in Agronomy Admission
89504 - 67067


Eternal University Ph.D. in Agronomy Admission Entrance exams

Eternal University leads an entrance test for taking seat in Ph.D. in Agronomy course at its own premise.

The whole methodology for admission to the exploration programs envelops a Research Entrance test (RET) and afterward an Interview/Viva Voce. The exhibition of an up-and-comer in the RET is given 70% weightage, and the leftover 30% weightage is given to his/her presentation at the Interview. The schedule or example of RET comprises of subject-explicit issues, research strategy, and fitness (covering intelligent thinking, mathematical capacity, logical thinking, insights, etc.).Thus, RET will contain a sum of 70 various decision questions (MCQs).

How you can prepare for the Entrance Test of PhD in Agronomy
  • Certainly! Here are the preparation strategies for a PhD entrance test in bullet points:
  • Understand the Exam Format: Prepare yourself with the admission test's format, length, and scoring system.
  • Review the Syllabus: Get the syllabus and identify yourself with the courses and topics that will be tested.
  • Create a Study Plan: Develop a study plan that gives time for every topic or subject to make sure complete study.
  • Gather Study Materials: Find the best books for reference, textbooks, and internet sites covering the syllabus.
  • Practice Regularly: To improve your speed and accuracy, solve practice exams, previous year's question papers, and sample papers.
  • Seek Clarification: To better learn difficult subjects, get clarify from teachers, mentors, or online discussion boards.
  • Focus on Conceptual Understanding: Aim for an in-depth knowledge of topics rather than blind knowledge.
  • Take Mock Tests: To assess your preparation as well as your time ability to manage, take mock testing that simulate exam issues.
  • Stay Updated: Keep abreast of the latest developments in your field through journals, articles, and research papers.
  • Maintain Health and Well-being: To keep physically and mentally strong during preparation, ensure that you get enough sleep, eat well, and exercise.
  • Stay Positive: Stay excited, have trust in your skills, and have a good attitude while preparing ready.
  • Following these bullet points will help you prepare effectively for a PhD entrance test and increase your chances of success.                              
Eternal University Ph.D. in Agronomy Admission Application process
  • The students can download the application structure on the university site. (
  • The students will pay an application charge of Rs.1000 for the inspector.
  • The separate sum is payable at SBI - State Bank of India of Baru Sahib.
  • The students will top off the application structure and connect confirmed records.
  • Subsequent to filling the application structure understudy send the application structure to the university.
Pay Fees in online or offline modes.

Online Mode

Go to the university official website and click on Admission then click on Registration, then gave your details after that student get User Id and Login Password, then login with your login Id Password then fill the application Form with all your details then click on submit, after submit the application form they take you to the online fees pay section, then enter your payable amount and pay it in online mode

Offline Mode

  • Kindly submit the DD in favor of “Eternal University”
  • Mention the Candidate name and University Seat Number (USN) on the back side of Demand Draft Compulsorily.
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PhD in Agronomy Registration Fees

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PhD in Agronomy Admission Fees

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PhD in Agronomy Course Fees

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PhD in Agronomy DRC Fees

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PhD in Agronomy Thesis Submission Fees

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PhD in Agronomy Viva Fees

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Why Studies PhD in Agronomy

A Ph.D. in Agronomy encourages you to delve extensively into the science and practice of crop production, soil management, and sustainable agriculture. It offers advanced instruction in crop physiology, plant breeding, soil fertility, and agricultural ecology. A Ph.D. degree enables individuals with research skills, critical thinking abilities and expertise to address issues in food production, environmental protection, and agricultural sustainability. Scholars help to improve crop yields, soil health, and the durability of agricultural systems via rigorous study and innovative research. Also, a Ph.D. in Agronomy opens the door to an array of job prospects in academia, laboratories, government agencies, and the business sector, enabling individuals to make major impacts to global food security and environmental stewardship.

Why Choose Eternal University for Ph.D. in Agronomy

The Eternal University, Baru Sahib is the real realization of Sant Attar Singh Ji's holy vision, which he had 100 years prior when he envisioned this university. The holy master's vision statement from ten years ago objectified the creation of exceptional people who could share the message of spiritual brotherhood and love through the world, not only in our country.

‘The "Mantra" that the institution's founding fathers indicated serve as the basis upon which the institution's academy would be built is "Sanskar Nirman." This women's institutions is situated in the entrancing Divine Baru Valley, where lush forests and freshwater springs give a setting that is ideal for spiritual renewal. With its amazing diversity of students spanning the nation, the campus offers young girls plenty of chances to express themselves freely and grow into outstanding individuals with steely nerves and infinite patience, forbearance, tolerance, and love for all people.

Eternal University for Ph.D. in Agronomy Syllabus


Topics Covered

Research Methodology

- Introduction to research methodologies


- Literature review and research gap identification


- Experimental design and statistical analysis


- Data collection techniques and analysis methods


- Ethical considerations in agronomic research

Crop Physiology

- Plant growth and development


- Photosynthesis and respiration


- Nutrient uptake and assimilation


- Water relations and transpiration


- Hormonal regulation and signaling

Soil Science

- Soil formation and classification


- Soil physical properties and texture


- Soil chemical properties and fertility


- Soil microbiology and nutrient cycling


- Soil management practices

Plant Breeding and Genetics

- Mendelian genetics and inheritance


- Quantitative genetics and breeding methods


- Molecular breeding techniques


- Marker-assisted selection and genomics


- Genetic diversity and conservation

Crop Management

- Crop rotation and cropping systems


- Integrated pest management


- Weed control and herbicide management


- Irrigation and water management


- Fertilizer application and nutrient management

Agronomic Research Seminar

- Research proposal development and presentation


- Literature review and critical analysis


- Conference participation and networking


- Grant writing and funding strategies


- Specialized topics such as precision agriculture, sustainable farming, agroecology, etc.


- Original research project and dissertation proposal


- Data collection, analysis, and interpretation


- Thesis writing, defense, and publication

The career and future scope of PhD in Agronomy Admission

The range of Ph.D. graduates in Agronomy is general, with possibilities of resolving major issues in agriculture, food security, and environmental sustainability. Graduates may do cutting-edge research to boost crop production, improve soil health, and improve resource efficiency. They help create agricultural systems that are robust to environmental shocks and climate change effects. Also, Ph.D. holders play important roles in pushing sustainable agricultural methods such as precision agriculture, conservation tillage, and organic farming. Their expertise is sought after in academia, universities, government agencies, and the commercial sector, where they help with agricultural innovation, policy creation, and technology adoption. Overall, receiving a Ph.D. in Agronomy allows individuals to make major advances to world food production and sustainability.

  • Agronomic Research Scientist
  • Crop Scientist
  • Soil Scientist
  • Plant Breeder/Geneticist
  • Crop Production Manager
  • Precision Agriculture Specialist
  • Agricultural Consultant
  • Extension Specialist
  • Agricultural Policy Analyst
  • Sustainable Agriculture Advocate
Eternal University Ph.D. in Agronomy Admission Document Required
  • High School Mark-sheets and Pass certificate
  • 10+2 Mark-sheets and Pass certificate
  • UG and PG Mark-sheets
  • Character Certificate
  • Category Certificate
  • Admission Test Admit card
  • Income Certificate
  • Transfer Certificate
Eternal University in Campus Placements

The Training and Placement Cell of Eternal University aims to provide a venue for interaction between businesses and the University. The Placement Cell scouts opportunities for future leaders of the company. SAIL as a team with the personnel and students is planning to take special care of the growing difficulties of business and to teach the students the authority and special ability to give their significant commitment towards the corporate. The Situation Cell is efficient and has a significant list of very competent and experienced experts from industry and scholarly world along with Situation Facilitators from every division. Situation exercises are conducted throughout the year in the University.

With centers of excellence in science, technology, arts and Agronomy, Eternal University strives to be a world-class women's university with its diverse programmes, priorities, commitments, values ​​and endeavours. Significant focus will be on building industry-institute connections and harnessing the strengths of alumni for skill development, technology transfer, resource generation and employment opportunities.

From the Director’s desk

We at the preparation and arrangement cell put all endeavors to fulfill understudies and their folks assumptions for the future profession objectives. After graduation we urge understudies to join corporate positions or decide on advanced education. We coordinate online courses, visitor talks and workshops for fitting determination of occupations and higher investigations. Additionally, we have an Entrepreneurship cell to assist and encourage students interested in pursuing entrepreneurship. We work within two parameters because the majority of students choose corporate employment:

To develop the students into professionals by conducting PDP programs and encourage them to be skilled and certified professionals as per the industry requirements.

Our close association with the industry partners help us conduct some quality placement drives for entry-level recruitments.

To put it succinctly, the goal of T&P Cell is to train college graduates not only to be proficient in the most recent technologies or certifications, but also to be able to apply what they've learned across the foundations in real-world situations and to have professional skills that will enable them to compete effectively in this highly competitive market through teamwork, project Agronomy, effective communication, logical and creative thinking.

Objective of T& P Cell
  • To provide placement opportunity for university students.
  • To develop the basic, technical, professional and soft skills while catering the environment for academic excellence.
  • To establish professional linkages with the industry through institutional and student developmental activities.
  • To provide industrial workshops, project-based training and industry interaction activities for professional skill enhancement of the student
  • To conduct inter institutional cultural and professional exchange programs.
Placement Process

Companies are invited to the university for all streams and a strict placement calendar is followed from October to November and January to April. Students are introduced by organization agents giving information about human asset strategies, vacancies, work profile and bundle of their organization. Organizations often give written tests of short duration before long distance meetings and collect talks from academically strong students. Students usually have multiple position offers. Many college students have doors open for abroad with excellent packages and positions.

After leaving the nursing school, students get ready to serve in organizations like PGI Chandigarh, AIIMS (Rishikesh) Medanta Medicity Clinic (New Delhi), IV Clinic (Mohali), Max Smart Super Specialty Clinic (Saket) in India. , South Delhi), BLK Clinic (Delhi) etc. With the seal on 100 percent conditions. Alumni of Akal College of Nursing are employed as Nursing Officers in many renowned government hospitals, including AIIMS in Rishikesh, IGMC in Shimla, PGIMER in Chandigarh and Banaras Hindu University in Varanasi. On the other hand, some students pursue higher education abroad. Since its inception, students from each group have been selected as Nursing Lieutenants in the Indian Armed Forces.

Pro's students got 100% pass marks across a chain of 129 Akal Foundations located in Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh and a large number of our students cleared Teacher Eligibility Test (TET).

Top Placement Companies
  • ICICI Bank
  • Max Hospital
  • ICICI Bank
  • Fortis Hospital
  • uTrade Solutions
  • Tenon Group
  • Luminous Power Technologies
  • Vetision              
  • Landmark Group
  • Medanta Hospitals
  • Batra Hospital
  • FairLabs
  • Sopra Steria
  • Infostride
  • Hippo Innovations
  • PEGA Systems
  • SUCG Infrastructure India Pvt. Ltd
  • IBM
  • TCS
  • Infosys
  • Nagarro
  • Practo Technologies
  • Infostride (Mobylite)
  • Coca Cola
  • Synapse India
Eternal University Facility
  • Transport Facility
  • Hostel
  • WI-FI Campus
  • ATM Facility
  • Central Library
  • Hospital
  • Extra-Curricular Activities
  • Cafeteria
  • Auditorium
Eternal University Library

Eternal University has 60 computers in its library and seating for 250 students to concentrate in a very calm and very serene environment. The shelves have over 25,000 books from both national and international authors, in addition to access to curriculum-based videos and web courses through NPTL and MIT Courseware. In addition, there are over 300 CDs and DVDs on various subjects. To keep the students updated with the latest happenings across the world, the Library subscribes to 54 national and international technical journals, magazines and periodicals, apart from national and regional dailies. With Wi-Fi capabilities on all of the library's computers as well as individual laptops and separate seating arrangements, the Eternal University Library is much more than just a traditional library in terms of the information and services it currently offers. The complete robotization of the library is currently being done through ERP. The timings are from 9.00 AM to 9.00 PM on every working day and from 9.00 AM to 5.00 PM on rest days.

Library Collection


Total Numbers





Ph.D. Thesis


Master thesis/dissertation




Daily Newspaper

13 Title (English-5 Hindi-7 Punjabi-1)


Library General Rules
  • Enter your name and Sign in the register kept at the entrance counter before entering library
  • Identity Card is compulsory for getting access to the library
  • Silence is must in the library
  • Use of Mobile Phone in the Library is prohibited
  • No personal belongings allowed inside the library
  • Marking, damaging, stealing of library documents or property will invite strict action against the defaulters
Eternal University Hostels

All the Parents/ guardians of the students are also advised to go through the Hostel Rules carefully before applying for a seat to be allotted for their ward in the hostel, as these Rules are to be followed strictly by the students.

Boarders must maintain perfect discipline and congenial atmosphere for studies in the Hostel. Any student who breaks Hostel discipline will invite punitive action which may result in fine, expulsion from the Hostel or even from the University.

All kinds of shouting, hooting, violent knocking or any other act of movement or behavior that is liable to cause disturbance or annoyance to the residents is prohibited.

No student will keep any unauthorized person in her room. If any such person is found in the room of any student, the defaulter will be liable to be summarily expelled.

Students found misusing electricity will be fined heavily in addition to the cost of repairs, if any, and the matter will be reported to the Dean Students Welfare for disciplinary action as she deems fit.

Air conditioners, coolers, refrigerators, electric Stoves or any other electrical appliances needing heavy electricity consumption are not allowed. If anyone requires these facilities have to pay extra charges with the permission of competent authority. Television, tape recorder, Audio video CD player, video cassette recorder/ player are not permitted to be held/used in Hostel rooms/ anywhere else in the Complex.

Dealing in general and especially with fellow students should be courteous and polite. All quarrels and disputes with fellow boarders should be avoided. Residents must not take law into their hands.

Teasing, maltreating or indulging in any ragging is prohibited.

Residents are strictly forbidden to utilize Hostel staff for their personal work or interference with their work or maltreat them or use abusive language for them in any way. No excuse, whatsoever, will be accepted for breach of this rule. All complaints against Hostel staff should be brought to the notice of the Hostel superintendent/warden who will investigate the matter and take appropriate action in consultation with DSW.

Boarders should not keep fire arms, lethal weapons, poisonous materials or intoxicants of any kind in the Hostel.

Students will not stay back in the Hostel during college working hours without written permission of the Dean student welfare or Medical Officer when placed sick in quarters.

No visitor shall be allowed to enter the Hostel under any circumstances.

Male officials or other male staff members, working anywhere in Baru Sahib Complex our not permitted to enter the Girls Hostel at any time. (Whenever any type of

maintenance is required to be carried out in the girl’s hostel, the activities should be supervised over by the hostel maintenance staff until they leave the hostel).

In the event of any suspected mischief/ foul play or accidents etc. inside the rooms warden/ Superintendent along with the hostel maintenance staff can break open the

affected room for investigations.

It is mandatory for all students to be dressed up properly at all times as per the prescribed dress code while moving out of their respective Hostel for any purpose whatsoever. However, once they are inside their respective Hostel, they may change into a casual dress.

No money or article or gift is permitted to be received from or to be given to the staff or other persons located in the campus.

In order to maintain security of the residents and their property, all belongings of Hostel residents can be subjected to security check whenever required. Similarly, materials being brought in or taken out of the Hostel may also be checked by Hostel/Security Staff for the same reasons.

The Hostel gate shall remain locked between 7.30 p.m. to 4.50 a.m. during winter(October- March) and 8.30 p.m. to 4.50.a.m. during summer (April- September) every

day for the students.

In order to ensure their safety, honour and security, whenever the student leaves the Hostel, during authorized timings, it should not be one’s or in two’s but in groups of three or more.

Any sudden illness, even minor ailment, must be reported to the Hostel superintendent/ Warden by the student or friends concerned at once.

In case, a student is sick, she should report at the Akal Hospital and obtain a ‘Sick-in Quarter Slip’ which would be shown to the Warden/ Hostel Superintendent who in turn will inform the Department Office.

Each student must occupy the room allotted to her by the Warden for the Academic session and no change of room will be made without permission of the Warden/ Hostel


All resident students are responsible for proper up-keep of the rooms allotted to them. They will be held responsible for any damage done to furniture and fixtures, if any, in the room.

If any student leaves the hostel and fails to hand over to the Hostel Warden all the items of furniture and fixtures provided by the Agronomy in the room in good condition, she will be liable to be fined, apart from being required to pay for any damage done.

At the end of each Academic Session or before leaving the Hostel, each student must obtain a certificate to the effect that the furniture/ fixtures lent to her has been returned in good condition, from the Warden/ Hostel Superintendent.

Water, electricity and generator charges will be as per actual. This will be revised as and when diesel price or electric tariffs are revised.

No student will be allowed to stay in the Hostel after the termination of the Academic Session or during the period of Holiday Breaks except with the prior approval of the Vice Chancellor.

Hostel warden will not allow any student to vacate the room and carry out her personal luggage/stuff till the “No Dues Certificate” is provided by the student.

If any student desires to leave the course due to her personal problem at any time during degree period, the student will submit an application recommended by the Class Teacher, HoD, Dean of the respective college and approved by the Registrar/Additional Registrar. Once the application is approved, the student will get clear her “No Dues Certificate” from all the concerned and will submit it to the Account Branch (In Original), Registrar Office, Dean Student Welfare and Concerned Dean. In case, any student does not follow all such formalities, the hostel warden will inform the case to Dean Student Welfare. The Dean Student Welfare will take suitable action either by communicating with the parents of the student or with the University Agronomy.

Hostel rent and Messing Charges as increased by the HP Government/University Agronomy from time to time will be applicable for all the students.

Eternal University Sports

Outdoor Games

The University has excellent outdoor sports facilities with one of the largest sports grounds in the hilly region, with outdoor facilities for hockey, football, volleyball, basketball, handball, cricket and lawn tennis, an eight-lane 200-metre athletics track track is available. Annual Athletic Meet. The University has made arrangements for sports activities even at night by installing floodlights on all these grounds.

Indoor Games

Indoor games viz; badminton, table tennis, carom and chess are available for the students. The Gym with A class equipment is available to students in the hostel itself to keep them fit. The Yoga is carried out in the University hall in the morning from 6.00 - 7.00am by an expert. To take advantage of grounds and residential facilities in hills the state organizations have been conducting National and state level sports and NCC camps at the campus.

Eternal University Campus Address


  • Eternal University, Baru Sahib, Distt. Sirmour,
  • Near Rajgarh, Himachal Pradesh-173101
  • Contact Number: - 9816640660
  • Email: - [email protected]
  • Website: -